泰特通信是设计领域的全球领导者, 交付, 管理创新的通信解决方案. 1969年由安格斯·泰特爵士在基督城创立, 新西兰, 泰泰在澳大利亚设有地区办事处, UK, 巴西, 和美国. 最近, the company began offering managed service solutions to further support 客户 running mission critical networks for public safety Services and 公用事业公司. 具有高度灵活的体系结构和企业级功能,如多租户, Entuity helps Tait ensure around-the-clock availability and 快 on-boarding of new 客户 without adding staff. 除了, Entuity’s seamless integration with BMC TrueSight Operations Management and BMC Remedy enables end-to-end IT management and timely, 优质Services管理.
- Customer Size: Two data centers—Houston, USA; Christchurch, 新西兰
- 网络管理软件:BMC TrueSight运营管理的实体网络管理
- 其他集成:BMC补救
- 专用特性:IP SLA、QoS、多租户
泰特通信致力于智能、实用和安全的交付. 在关键和高风险环境中需要安全的客户, 快, 以及始终有效的智能解决方案——公共安全, 公用事业公司, 开采石油和天然气, 交通方面——台湾有这个技能, 规模, 管理和交付各种解决方案,以最佳地满足客户的需求.
拥有可信赖的全球合作伙伴和经销商网络, Tait与客户合作管理现有系统,并支持他们转向未来产品, Services, 和应用程序.
从他们作为无线电通信技术创新者的强大地位, Tait意识到他们的客户需要一种方法来管理这些日益复杂的问题, 重要的网络确保全天候可用.
Public safety agencies and 公用事业公司 were finding that the intricacy of skills and tools needed to manage critical communications radio networks had become a major distraction and took them away from their core activity of providing public safety Services or 公用事业公司. 它创造了它的管理
Tait’s Managed Services team in 新西兰 was delegated with designing and implementing the new managed service solutions. 这包括选择软件来管理他们的客户网络, 提供必要的流程以最大限度地提高系统性能和可靠性, 为客户在台湾通信解决方案上的投资增加价值. “Tait is now in a position to make things simpler for our 客户 by looking after the radio management for them,马特·惠特克说道, Services管理中心高级工程师.
经过综合评估, Tait chose Entuity network management to manage the network infrastructure for the Managed Service solutions.
为什么选择Entuity? 是什么让他们与众不同?
正如您所料,网络中断给台湾的客户带来了极大的危险. What if there was a chemical leak and the danger could not be communicated to the public because the private mobile network was down? It is therefore equally critical that Tait’s managed Services are always available to monitor for system problems.
Entuity’s flexible architecture enables Tait to apply and follow the same cross-consolidation model across their two service management centers (data centers) to support a business continuity and disaster recovery plan. This strategy ensures that every service management center can function fully by itself should there be an outage, 或者在需要疏散时,由其他中心掩护.
Another feature that Tait required in their MSP platform was support for secure multi-tenancy environments. The ability to compartmentalize and manage customer networks separately was a crucial requirement for Tait. Entuity’s Network Management architecture handles multi-tenancy without creating complexity or requiring additional hardware or IT personnel. Entuity allows Tait to support 客户 by effectively segregating them for individual management on multiple servers, while also being able to manage these customer networks together on a single central console view that identifies which server/customer the network belongs to. 这大大提高了操作效率.
随着泰特管理Services业务的扩张, they need the ability to onboard new 客户 quickly and without adding staff and more overhead costs. Entuity easily 规模s to accommodate all sizes of enterprise networks and does not need a large IT staff to implement. Tait finds that using the virtualized poller allows them to 规模 very effectively and aggregate the information into a single pane of glass for ease of management.
最后,Tait需要一个带有BMC工具套件的集成解决方案. Entuity effectively handles the real-time infrastructure monitoring and feeds that data into BMC TrueSight Operations Management to proactively detect and automatically resolve performance issues. 另外, Tait’s support centers around the world have integrated BMC Remedy with Entuity for accurate and timely service management. “我们一直在寻找一套最好的工具,我们在这个平台上找到了它,史蒂夫·金斯顿说道, it管理Services开发经理.
自从使用Entuity与BMC TrueSight运营管理, we’ve been able to provide an end-to-end customized solution to meet our 客户’ individual needs.
当涉及到管理关键任务网络时,中断是不可接受的. Tait has been successful in designing an integrated MSP platform to support their 客户’ always-on networks.
与Entuity网络管理到位, Tait’s MSP solution ensures that their entire unique information and communications technology environment is managed. 例如, radio antenna systems and radio base stations that are key elements of Tait 客户’ private mobile networks can be fully monitored and managed. This minimizes preventive maintenance costs and allows the company to avoid traveling to mountaintop sites to check on radio tower performance. It also enables proactive maintenance activity to ensure the radio systems continue to perform as designed.
Getting the most from Entuity’s many features has provided Tait with functionality that was not initially evident. 例如, IP SLA功能允许Tait监控无线站点之间语音流量的质量. This makes it possible to keep latency and jitter in check to ensure good voice quality for emergency communications.
管理客户网络是一个不断发展的过程,因为他们增加了新的设备和Services. In this respect, Entuity Support has proven to be a valuable partner in creating this new division.
“自从使用Entuity与BMC TrueSight运营管理, we’ve been able to provide an end-to-end customized solution to meet our 客户’ individual needs,惠特克说. “Entuity实时监控网络, and it has allowed us to keep customer satisfaction at high levels by giving them deep insight into what’s happening on the network. We’re impressed with Entuity’s capabilities and believe its well-designed architecture suits our business model very well.”
it管理Services的未来是光明的, which is on track to continue the long-standing tradition of supporting their 客户 to keep the lights on, 城市前进, 社区安全.
Entuity实时监控网络, and it has allowed us to keep customer satisfaction at high levels by giving them deep insight into what’s happening on the network. We’re impressed with Entuity’s capabilities and believe its well-designed architecture suits our business model very well.
拥抱数字化世界观, Entuity为不断变化的企业提供数字网络分析. 我们的高度自动化, 统一, 企业级解决方案将深入的网络洞察置于您的指尖, 使IT人员能够专注于战略项目, 并且很容易与主流框架环境集成. Entuity的支持和Services团队经常因其快速反应而受到称赞, 网络专业知识和参与特殊活动.