For nearly five decades, Ensono has helped organizations move ahead with their IT initiatives. When it comes to earning their clients’ trust as exceptional guardians of their IT service management platforms, ensoo的技术专长发挥了很大作用. 这方面的证据是,甚至在云被谈论之前, Ensono was pioneering leading edge cloud innovation for its global client base offering solutions and services across all industries. Ensono is a service provider that understands the new world digital economy and the value of a reliable and superior end-user experience.
- 2000名全球员工
- 200 +的客户
- 企业网络分析
- BMC TrueSight操作
随着数字化转型的到来, 提供给最终用户的十大赌博正规老平台正在以惊人的速度变化. 使他们的客户能够满足终端用户不断增长的期望, ensoo意识到了运营效率, streamlined network monitoring and the ability to rapidly add new devices under management were critical to build out the network and service performance necessary to meet these needs.
How to reduce the impact of these digital growing pains and ultimately improve the end-user experience was important to Ensono and their clients. Ensono was looking to fast track their network monitoring strategy to make their service management and client performance key differentiators. 事实上,恩索诺有很多管理工具,太多了. 这是工具过载. 他们使用不同的工具,这些工具的支持成本很高, 在某些情况下, 不可靠的, 更不用说在多个主机上进行监控了. This approach was making it difficult to manage the contemporary IT services necessary for Ensono clients’ businesses.
Having decided that multiple tools was not the most effective way to manage a variety of complex networks, ensoo专注于组合他们的工具集.
高级经理-监测企业解决方案在Ensono. “有些工具会下降很多. So, you are constantly having to monitor the tool and get it back online—creating more work for my team.经过对几款网络管理产品的严格评估, 企业网络分析之所以被选中,是因为它满足了ensoo的首要先决条件:
- 一个一体化的网络管理功能,取代了不同的工具
- 无缝集成到他们的BMC TrueSight AIOps平台
- 其性能正常运行时间是否可靠
- 能否快速整合新技术
- 提供了健壮的多租户体系结构.
During the evaluation process it became clear that network management products are not all the same and several did not effectively manage new technologies. 例如, 据奥布莱恩说,有几款产品没有包括Nexus开关, “Entuity put some solid thought and development into understanding what was necessary to manage within the Nexus product to be able to proactively identify switch problems. They have done a stellar job of handling some of the new technologies in the marketplace.“在管理当今的网络时,采用新技术至关重要.
“Entuity put some solid thought and development into understanding what was necessary to manage within the Nexus product to be able to proactively identify switch problems. They have done a stellar job of handling some of the new technologies in the marketplace.”
- Sean O 'Brien,高级经理-企业监控解决方案,ensoo
As a service provider, the ability to handle multitenancy was very important to Ensono. “这是一件透明的事情. We need to be able to allow client A to log into a monitoring console and see what we see. And we need to be able to do that without them accidentally seeing client B奥布莱恩说。. Entuity的多租户架构允许特定的, 自定义特权来分割客户端的访问权限. Ensono’s client portal provides clients a robust way to see invoices and their monitored data from multiple sources such as BMC and Entuity. This consolidated client portal offers a single point of entry into their Ensono data. Taking advantage of Entuity’s multitenancy architecture delivers personalized on-demand access that increases client/Ensono transparency, 客户忠诚度和附加功能/收入机会. Ensono strives for intimate clent relationships to keep them apprised on how their network is currently running and to proactively suggest where enhancements or new services may be necessary for future growth.
One way streamlining monitoring tools has helped Ensono diminish management complexity is through an improved way to monitor WAN circuits. 他们现在可以将所需的SNMP trap目的地数量从7个ip减少到2个ip, 允许ensoo提供此类管理所需的所有十大赌博正规老平台. The big change here is that Ensono needs only a single console to manage it rather than five consoles originally being used. Less complexity and better management visibility equips Ensono to work more efficiently and see anomalies before they become issues. 同样的, 将所有网络相互依赖关系置于同一保护伞下, 历史流量模式等分析, 容量分析很容易生成并用于IT规划目的.
一个强大的组合:Entuity, BMC和ensoo
Ensono takes advantage of the BMC TrueSight AIOps platform and it was important that network monitoring be integrated into this bigger picture reflecting their end-to-end management ecosystem. “工作15分钟后, 我们将Entuity完全集成到我们的BMC环境中,并向我们的NOC开放门票,奥布莱恩说。. 企业网络分析 is seamlessly included in the BMC dashboard making it one click away from illustrating how the network is affecting applications. “Having Entuity data automatically roll up into our BMC TrueSight platform allows a true single pane of glass for event visibility, 分析和处理.”
企业网络分析 will continue over time to reduce Ensono’s hours spent managing the network and its associated costs by a streamlined, 自动化解决方案. O ' brien揭示了, “We are starting to see cases where Entuity is routinely finding and managing things like Cisco Nexus FEC modules and automatically opening tickets on problems. 这些都是我们其他工具的挑战. Now we can address these types of issues before they cause an outage –it is even better than a faster resolution. 这是真正的主动停机预防.“除了自动化, Entuity’s breadth of analytics adds a layer of historical data that helps Ensono understand, evaluate and resolve the underlying reasons that are causing network or application issues. All this arms Ensono with a foundation for dependably introducing new services and responding to customer needs more quickly. ensoo期待着与Entuity的合作. “Our Ensono team has already suggested a couple of features to Entuity that were needed, 我们很快就收到了满足这些要求的补丁,奥勃良说. 这种密切合作将加快网络效率, performance and innovation while at the same time keep Ensono client satisfaction at high levels.
“We are starting to see cases where Entuity is routinely finding and managing things like Cisco Nexus FEC modules and automatically opening tickets on problems. 这些都是我们其他工具的挑战.”
- Sean O 'Brien,高级经理-企业监控解决方案,ensoo
拥抱数字化世界观, Entuity为不断变化的企业提供数字网络分析. 我们的高度自动化, 统一, 企业级解决方案将深入的网络洞察置于您的指尖, 使IT人员能够专注于战略项目, 并且很容易与主流框架环境集成. Entuity的支持和十大赌博正规老平台团队经常因其快速反应而受到称赞, 网络专业知识和参与特殊活动.